




jQuery 1.4 发布:你必须知道的15个新特征
检查指定网址的 DNS 记录


yeah posted @ Jan 16, 2010 11:28:00 PM in 教程 , 2782 阅读
1.Use ip2long() and long2ip() to store IP addresses as integers instead of strings in a database. This will reduce the storage space by almost a factor of four (15 bytes for char(15) vs. 4 bytes for the integer), make it easier to calculate whether a certain address falls within a range, and speed-up searches and sorts (sometimes by quite a bit).
2.Partially validate email addresses by checking that the domain name exists with checkdnsrr(). This built-in function checks to ensure that a specified domain name resolves to an IP address. A simple user-defined function that builds on checkdnsrr() to partially valid email addresses can be found in the user comments section in the PHP docs. This is handy for catching those occasional folks who think their email address is ‘’ instead of ‘’.
3.If you’re using PHP 5 with MySQL 4.1 or above, consider ditching the mysql_* functions for the improved mysqli_* functions. One nice feature is that you can use prepared statements, which may speed up queries if you maintain a database-intensive website. Some benchmarks.
4.Learn to love the ternary operator.
5.If you get the feeling that you might be reinventing the wheel during a project, check PEAR before you write another line. PEAR is a great resource that many PHP developers are aware of, yet many more are not. It’s an online repository containing over 400 reusable snippets that can be dropped right into your PHP application. Unless your project is trully unique, you ought to be able to find a PEAR package that saves at least a little time. (Also see PECL)
6.Automatically print a nicely formatted copy of a page’s source code with highlight_file().This function is handy for when you need to ask for some assistance with a script in a messageboard, IRC, etc. Obviously, some care must be taken not to accidently show your source when it contains DB connection information, passwords, etc.
7.Prevent potentially sensitive error messages from being shown to users with the error_reporting(0) function. Ideally error reporting should be completely disabled on a production server from within php.ini. However if you’re on a shared webhost and you aren’t given your own php.ini, then your best bet is to add error_reporting(0); as the first line in each of your scripts (or use it with require_once().) This will prevent potentially sensitive SQL queries and path names from being displayed if things go awry.
8.Use gzcompress() and gzuncompress() to transparently compress/decompress large strings before storing them in a database. These built-in functions use the gzip algorithm and can compress plaintext up to 90%. I use these functions almost everytime I read/write to a BLOB field within PHP. The only exception is when I need full text indexing capabilities.
9.Return multiple values from a function with “by reference” parameters. Like the ternary operator, most PHP developers who come from a more formalized programming background already know this one. However, those who’s background is more HTML than Pascal, probably have wondered at one time “how do I get multiple values back from a function I wrote, even though I can only use one return value?” The answer is that you precede a variable with “&” and use it “by reference” instead of “by value”.
10.Fully understand “magic quotes” and the dangers of SQL injection. I’m hoping that most developers reading this are already familiar with SQL injection. However, I list it here because it’s absolutely critical to understand. If you’ve never heard the term before, spend the entire rest of the day googling and reading.

1.使用 ip2long() 和 long2ip() 函数来把 IP 地址转化成整型存储到数据库里。这种方法把存储空间降到了接近四分之一(char(15) 的 15 个字节对整形的 4 个字节),计算一个特定的地址是不是在一个区段内页更简单了,而且加快了搜索和排序的速度(虽然有时仅仅是快了一点)。
2.在验证 email 地址的时候使用 checkdnsrr() 函数验证域名是否存在。这个内置函数能够确认指定的域名能够解析成 IP 地址。该函数的PHP 文档的用户评论部分有一个简单的用户自定义函数,这个函数基于 checkdnsrr(),用来验证 email 地址的合法性。对于那些认为自己的 email 地址是 “” 而不是 “” 的家伙们,这个方法可以很方便的抓住他们。
3.如果你使用的是 PHP 5 和 MySQL 4.1 或者更高的版本,考虑抛弃 mysql_* 系列函数改用改进版的 mysqli_* 系列函数。一个很好的功能就是你可以使用预处理语句,如果你在维护一个数据库密集型站点,这个功能能够加快查询速度。一些评估分数。
5.如果你在项目中感觉到有可复用的部分,在你写下一行代码前先看看 PEAR 中是否已经有了。很多 PHP 程序员都知道 PEAR 是一个很好的资源库,虽然还有很多程序员不知道。这个在线资源库包含了超过 400 个可以复用的程序片段,这些程序片段你可以立即用刀你的程序里。除非说你的项目真的是非常特别的,你总能找到帮你节省时间的 PEAR 包。(参见 PECL)
6.用 highlight_file() 来自动的打印出格式化的很漂亮的源代码。如果你在留言板、IRC 这些地方寻求一个脚本的帮助的话,这个函数用起来非常的顺手。当然了,要小心不要意外的泄露出你的数据库连接信息和密码等。
7.使用 error_reporting(0) 函数来防止用户看到潜在的敏感错误信息。]在理想情况下,发布服务器应该在 php.ini 里完全禁止。但是如果你用的是一个共享的 web 服务器的话,你没有自己的 php.ini 文件,那么这种情况下你最好的选择就是在所有脚本的第一行前加上 error_reporting(0);(或者使用 require_once() 方法)。这就能够在出错的时候完全屏蔽敏感的 SQL 查询语句和路径名。
8.在网数据库中存储很大的字符串之前使用 gzcompress() 和 gzuncompress() 来显式的压缩/解压字符串。这个 PHP 内置函数使用 gzip 算法,可以压缩普通文本达 90%。在我每次要读写 BLOB 类型的字段的时候都使用这些函数。唯一额例外就是当我需要全文检索的时候。
9.通过“引用”传递参数的方法从一个函数中得到多个返回值。就像三元运算符一样,大部分受过正式编程训练的程序员都知道这个技巧。但是那些 HTML 背景大于 Pascal 背景的程序员都或多或少的有过这样的疑问“在仅能使用一次 return 的情况下,从一个函数里返回多个值?”答案就是在变量前加上一个 “&” 符号,通过“引用”传递而非“值”传递。
10.完全理解“魔术引号”和 SQL 注入的危险性。我希望阅读到这里的开发者都已经很对 SQL 注入和了解了。不过我还是把这条列在这里,是因为这个确实有点难以理解。

如果你还没有听说过这种说法,那么把今天剩下的时间都用来 Google、阅读吧。
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